Welcome to my brand new website!
Hello! I’m so glad you have come to visit! This brand new site is about to
become my online home, and at my “real” home in Tucson, Arizona, I love
nothing ...
The 20 Best Golf Affiliate Programs
This is my MASTER LIST of the BEST Golf Affiliate Programs to Join This
Year!Mankind has been hitting balls with sticks since time immemorial. Many
games i...
Spread Some Cheer This Holiday and Give Back
The end of the year is approaching and with the cool weather, holiday cheer
and festive decorations, it's easy to become influenced do something extra
No words necessary
I came across a picture the other night on Facebook that I promptly shared.
It had no explanation, no tag, no link, no credit, no nothing. Just a
4-word ph...
Should nonprofits pay taxes?
The town government in Concord, Mass., felt that local taxes were so high,
they were driving residents away. So the town’s board sent a letter to the
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