Ne dites pas à ma mère que mon fils fait du fundraising… elle le croit pianiste dans un bordel. Un article amusant du Daily Mail sur le fils d'une huile du Labour britannique qui se retrouve dans l'équipe de fundraisers du parti.

Nepotism row as Campbell son is given a plum job with Labour
By Chris Hastings
Last updated at 1:14 AM on 21st August 2011
Labour has been accused of nepotism after handing a plum job to the son of former Downing Street spin doctor Alastair Campbell.
Calum Campbell, 22, has been a member of the party’s fundraising team since December and his role involves working closely with Labour’s deputy leader Harriet Harman.
He was appointed to the post just five months after his father made a donation of £10,000 to the party.
Close: Alastair Campbell with his partner Fiona Millar and their son Calum in 2008
The revelation is embarrassing for the party’s leadership, which has tried to shame the Conservatives over the issue of securing valuable work experience for family and friends.
Ms Harman launched a scathing attack when it was disclosed that the Tories auctioned off internships at a party fundraising ball in February.
She said the event summed up the Government’s elitist and out-of-date attitude to social mobility.
However, she was later left red-faced when it was revealed that her own son, Harry, began his career working at public-relations firm Smart Company, which was founded by Deborah Mattinson, a Labour Party adviser and friend of Ms Harman.
Richard Harrington, the Tory MP for Watford, said last night the appointment of Mr Campbell’s son smacked of cronyism.
He said: ‘This is the sort of nepotism we have come to expect from the Labour Party under Ed Miliband.
Cronyism : Tory MP Richard Harrington said nepotism is expected from the Labour Party lead by Ed Miliband
‘Labour’s biggest trade union donors chose him to become leader despite his brother having more votes from party members.
Now Alastair Campbell’s son turns up at Labour HQ after Mr Campbell donated thousands of pounds to them.’
Electoral Commission documents show that Mr Campbell, 54, gave £10,000 to the party last year, making him its largest single donor.
His son would appear to be as passionate a Labour supporter as his father. His Facebook page includes links to a number of groups, including
‘Ed Miliband for PM’ and another championing the work of the Labour Diversity Fund, which was established to encourage people from under-represented groups, including those from low-income backgrounds, to stand for Parliament.
There is also a link to a more unsavoury group – ‘I will have the biggest party ever when M.thatcher [sic] dies’ – which allows people to post insulting messages about the former Tory Prime Minister.
The links were all available to anyone visiting his Facebook page on Friday afternoon, but suddenly disappeared after The Mail on Sunday contacted Labour’s Press office.
A Labour spokesman last night denied any suggestion of nepotism and insisted that Calum Campbell was appointed on merit.
He said: ‘Calum was given the job, which was advertised, because he was the best candidate.
The idea that he got the job because of his father is plain wrong.’
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