Cet article publié par le Daily Mail de ce matin nous rappelle que les femmes aux Etats-Unis sont plus généreuses que les hommes à l'heure de répondre à des appels de fonds humanitaires.
Women really are more generous as study proves they donate more to charity
Generous: Women are signifcantly more likey to make a donation to charity, a new study has found.
It has long been suspected by charities and not for profit organisations.
But now an American study has found that women across nearly every income level give signifcantly more to charity than men - in some cases twice as much.
Researchers at the Centre of Philanthropy at Indiana University studied the donating patterns of 8,000 American households.
They found that women gave more in all income brackets apart from one, those with incomes between $23,509 and $43,500.
The research also said that there were several factors that contributed to the growing generosity of women.
Among them were that women's income has grown and that the number of American women who earn more than their husbands now stands at 26 per cent.
Debra Mesch, director of the institute that led the study, said that the results are so decisive that charities can stop wondering about whether women give more.
'I think the general assumption is that women might be more likely to give, but that they give less money,' Ms Mesch said.
However women gave more often than men to both different charities, and in the total number of dollars, Ms Mesch added.
The data used for the study was not broken down by gender, so researchers looked solely at households headed by single men or single women, including adults who have been divorced, widowed or never married.
Debra Mesch: Said the study's results are so decisive that charities can stop wondering about who donates more
Previous research had shown that women encourage their husbands to give, but generally it is the women that make donations within married households.
However Suzie Upton, chief development officer of the American Heart Association, disputed the findings of the research.
Ms Upton claimed her organisation had no data to show that women are more generous, despite the Dallas based charity targeting women in it's fundraising.
She said: 'We target lots of our efforts to women, not because they are more generous, but because they are the decision makers for themselves and for their families.'
But World Vision, a Washington State charity, said they were not surprised by the results.
Spokesman John Yeager claimed the charity had known for decades that its target voter was a a 47-year-old, college-educated female.
The American Red Cross has also targeted women for donations and added a donor group in 2005.
Nearly 600 women across the United States give $10,000 a year to its Tiffany's Circle fundraising arm to help provide a stable base for its disaster relief.
' Women have been incredibly generous, and they want to make a difference,' volunteer chairman Elaine Lyerly said, referring both to her organisation and philanthropy in general.
The charity said it has no plans to add a male only donation group.